Is it good to Fake it???

Is it good to fake it?

Before you mind starts wondering and questioning what it is i am talking about let me elborate….

So, one day you’re following a company on instagram or facebook and you suddenly see that the amount of followers or likes they have rocketed from some small and perfectly acceptable number to a huge amount which could no way have been achieved by word of mouth in matter of minutes, hours or days and certainly not to such an extent in a short period of time.

So what is today’s obsession with buying likes/followers? Do we consider this to be a fairway of promoting ourselves and our business and more importantly does it make it honest and open about our business practices?

For me personally, I don’t believing in lining someone else,s pocket to effectively pretend that myself or my company is something that we are not. I firmly believe that what you see is what you get; no tarting up, no lies and more importantly no false pretences to my customers and followers.

Yes I may only have so many likes/follows but at least I can hold my head up and yes but these people are genuinely following me because they believe in what I do and my business rather than paying someone to pretend they know me, my business and what it all about.

So are we falling into this trap that buying into something is more important than working to earn it? And is this fair? Is this a dishonest way to promote your business? Is it misleading customers and followers into believing that you/your business is something its not?

We would love to hear your opinions on this.

Here are some interesting links about this worth taking a look at:

How To Tell If A Facebook Page Has Fake Likes

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